ARCHline.XP 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014.02.20. Build 393 Released version - Resolved: File - Import - Showroom - WEB page loading error in Greek language version ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014.02.10. Build 392 - Resolved: Room book zone height calculation error (reported by Valerio) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014.02.07. Build 391 - Resolved: 0004946: Wall : Wall set change does not work from the set drop-down box correctly - Expiry date of developer version has changed to 12.30.2014. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build 390 - Expiry date of developer version has changed to 01.30.2014. - Bug fix: Wall layer hatch settings dialog - exit by cancel button caused a change in the hatch name in the Wall properties dialog - File menu - Options - Snap and grid: correction in the text - 'Angle snap - Enabled' - Thea Export bug resolved: the export of north position was incorrect - Resolved: 0004862: File management : Add-on - Drawing comparison crash - Resolved: 0004861: DXF/DWG : DWG import error (crash with VER-H2.DWG) - Resolved: 0004839: Stairs : Step is a rest option modifies the balustrade and 3D view of the stair ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.10.02 Build 388 - Resolved: 0004854: Stair : Base height does not work properly in the stair dialog in ein_20130826_E& - Resolved: 0004857: List : Cost parameters with decimal values are not multiplied correctly - Resolved: 0004856: List : Drafting menu -> Legend of materials - Current level and All level options are not translated - Resolved: 0004853: 3D solid : Arch. object -> 3D solid command doesn't work in vectorial 3D window - Resolved: 0004851: Interface : #midpoint subcommand causes crash when you move the mouse before entering the division ratio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.10.02 Build 387 Release version - New option in the File - Options - Display page: Auto rotation speed You can also see this option in the View menu - Walk and fly - Settings - Visual effects page You can see this option when 3D window is active. The value can be set in 10-100% range from the drop down list or manually up to 200% - Antialiasing problem on Intel video cards is resolved - Thea Render XML export - material export works correctly ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.30 Build 385 - Bug fix: 0004844: Rendering : Grayscale rendering does not work - Resolved: 0004845: Room book : Volume calculation error (room book data recalculation error) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.30 Build 384 - Bug fix: searching for an existing project material in the Project category did not work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.27 Build 383 - Resolved: 0004840: Selection : Multiple selection and property changes in property grid spoiles other parameters of elements - Sun settings - sun position is exported correctly to Thea Export ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.26 Build 382 - Resolved: 0004835: Roof : Move node error (Move roof node.mp4) - Room book crash is eliminated - w58 window: default handle position is corrected - Resolved: 0004832: Hatch : Solid hatch style saving error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.20 Build 380 Release version - Bug fix: Offset all command did not work - Unresolved again (the resolution of this error spoilded the Offset all command): 0004821: Hatch : The area is not closed message comes randomly ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.18 Build 379 Release version - Top-left corner is the default hotspot for all objects - Bug fix: Room book properties onn the Room stamp text tab - preview of doors/windows works again for Light transmission of openings settings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.17 Build 378 - Resolved: 0004821: Hatch : The area is not closed message comes randomly - NORM I development: If the window (or illuminating door) is under a balcony or entity that reduce the light. The illuminating area must be reduced by this rule. P = offset distance Room height = the room height on the window Window_gap= the distance from the room height to the Top-window (frame) Fc= obscuration factor,= 100/28 = 3.57 A= reduction height. A= P/3.57 – Window_Gap Reduction Area= A x window-length ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.16 Build 377 Release version - rejected - Resolved: 0004822: Window : Materials for Solid and Wing in the window parameters do not work - Resolved: 0004824: Line : Construction line subcommands do not work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.16 Build 376 - Room book development: Applying the P = L / 3.57 formula in NORMI - Resolved: 0004808: Hatch : Hatch pattern generation - strange border lines appear in the hatch - Resolved: 0004809: Hatch : Hatch on section is not correct in case of slab with beams - Resolved: 0004818: Interface : Edit profile - wrong subcommands appear - New translations from ITC are built in. - Resolved: DXF/DWG : Group and 3D lines/curves import problem in 111107.dwg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.12 Build 374 - New translations from Valerio are built in. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.11 Build 373 - We improved the XML output and we export the wall components from now on too. Changes in XML output: Changes in GBP source: XMLReader.cs: [XmlElement(Type = typeof(NSXMLReader.TxpArray), ElementName = "WallPieceIDs", IsNullable = false)] [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] public NSXMLReader.TxpArray __WallPieceIDs; [XmlIgnore] public NSXMLReader.TxpArray WallPieceIDs { get { if (__WallPieceIDs == null) __WallPieceIDs = new NSXMLReader.TxpArray(); return __WallPieceIDs; } set { __WallPieceIDs = value; } } Form1.cs: if (Mat.WallId > 0) { foreach (TxpWall w in ALData.Walls) { int nWallPieces = w.WallPieceIDs.Count; for (int i = 0; i < nWallPieces; ++i) { Int32 wallPieceID = System.Convert.ToInt32(w.WallPieceIDs.Data.Split(' ')[i]); if (Mat.WallId == wallPieceID) { nWallID = w.ID; break; } } } } You find the changed files on FTP /Common/XP2013/GBD/Update10092013 - Bug fix of importing a DWG file that caused crash (Paul Goodwin_Showroom_3D.dwg) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.09 Build 371 - Bug fix: Object -> Replace command: relative height changed - Bug fix of crash in the Object properties dialog -> New material (select a material and press Exc) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.06 Build 370 - Resolved: 0004686: Status line : Status bar drop-down menu sticks on the screen while switching to another application - Sketchup import developments * Correct texture generaton * Texture file name bugs are fixed * Default material is not created anymore ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.05 Build 369 - Resolved: 0004687: Material : Substitute material does not work in a project The best way of solving this problem is the following: Start the command from a 2D window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.04 Build 367 - Room book Norm I: "Plus niche area if>" option is cancelled because it did not work correctly in all possible cases. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.03 Build 366 - Resolved: 0004798: Dimension : Length dimensioning of beams includes the set name ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.09.02 Build 365 - Moulding is incorporated into Excel list (Add-on -> Quantity take-off -> Building - Resolved: 0004782: File management : Printing styles do not appear in Project navigator -> Templates - Development in Category manager: if you create a new category, a checkbox is applied for putting the new category to the top level, otherwise it will be a subcategory. - Resolved: 0004796: Window : Window parameter is not accepted (defwind) - Dongle serial number disabling/reactivation is possible 5 times. In the About Dialog the following information appears: Error {dongle number}: Your serial number has benn disabled, please contact ARCHLine.XP support for further information! Reactivation counter: X (X=0,1,2,3 or 4) How to reactivate: 1st reactivation: systemdialog external 35 2nd reactivation: systemdialog external 36 3rd reactivation: systemdialog external 37 4th reactivation: systemdialog external 38 5th reactivation: systemdialog external 39 - Changes in bath.oli: replacement of bath01, bath04, bath051 and bath06 with better quality objects. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.08.30 Build 364 - Resolved: 0004777: Materials : Texture loss at saving empty project - 0004794: Preferences : It is not possible to switch off Angle snap A small change: when you switch off angle snap, the following angles will continue to be snapped: 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225 - Import / DWG, 3DS, SKP dialogs remember to the last used directories - Bug fix in Sketchup export - in some cases (material UV coordinate problem) materials were not exported to Sketchup files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.08.29 Build 363 - Changes in the Rendering dialog: Visible size is renamed to Shading accuracy. Changes in the resource file: DLGOFFSET+5907 " (Superfine shading quality)" DLGOFFSET+5908 " (Fine shading quality)" DLGOFFSET+6222 "Shading accuracy" DLGOFFSET+6223 "Shading accuracy\r\nThis value controls the shading quality. Reducing this value will improve accuracy at the expense of performance." DLGOFFSET+6224 " (Medium shading quality)" DLGOFFSET+6225 " (Rough shading quality)" DLGOFFSET+6226 " (Very rough shading quality)" - In recent developer version builds export from 3D window gave an error message. It is fixed in this build. - Bug fix: Sketchup color export was wrong. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.08.28 Build 362 - Resolved: 0004733: Window : Copy properties of door/window does not work for all properties - Resolution of the following rendering error: if you rotate an object with a material, the direction of texture will not change in the rendering (global texture direction will be applied). Test: place two table objects with some material on the surface. Rotate one of them. In the rendering you should see the different material texture directions on the surfaces. - Closed: 0004735: Terrain : Cut perimeter does not work on The poblem is caused by a bool error. The resolution of this problem would take too much time. - Resolved: 0004789: Other : "Search in all items" string is disturbing effective search - Resolved: 0004788: Other : Category manager asks for confirmation too many times - Resolved: 0004791: If on the plateau is created a new plateau which level is lower than previous plateau - the 2nd one is not displayed in 3D - 3DS import - warning message with path name appears in case of missing texture file - Room maker development: a text appears on the bottom-left side of the dialog if the selected element type does not exist, for exampe a door hasn't been placed yet. New resource string: DLGOFFSET+7259 "This kind of element does not exist." - Resolved: 0004789: Other : "Search in all items" string is disturbing effective search - Resolved: 0004762: Blinds: several problems with the new Blinds elements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.08.23 Build 361 - Perspective dialog new resave icon for saving the modifications to the actual view ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.08.19 Build 360 - Resolved: 0004759: Property grid : Changing layer setting of 2 walls changes thickness too - Resolved: 0004775: Others : The Offset command by default is creating round-off corners instead of sharp ones - Resolved: 0004781: Wall : Wall width changes in case of multiple wall selection if you change Elevation from floor parameter only ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.26 Build 356 - Expiration date of ARCHline.XP 2013 developer version is modified to 30.09.2013. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.26 Build 355 - Resolved: 0004749: Terrain : Discontinuity line creation is not possible in ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.25 Build 354 - 0004708: Preferences : Enable Cursor Input Box option is not saved From now on this setting is saved into the registry. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.24 Build 353 - Resolved: 0004742: DXF/DWG : Ignore invisible layers and its items option does not work in progetto - Resolved: 0004714: Tiling : Moving of multiple background areas are not possible with ARCHline.XP 2013 - Resolved: 0004709: Printing : Scale factor list does not pop up when you drag&drop a section view on the printing layout - Resolved: 0004710: Hatch : Column hatch with pattern and background color doesn't work properly - Resolved: 0004741: File management : Layout export doesnt work with project from ARCHline.XP 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.23 Build 352 - Resolved: 0004743: Balustrade : Instead of balustrade a free style object is created in 3D with PROVA GRONDA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.21 Build 351 - Explained: 0004701: Preferences : Customizing mouse right-click behaviour option doesn't do anything 1. Use the move command, for example: 2. Click on the first item you want to move. 3. In case of ‘Execute Enter command’ setting right mouse click means Enter – you finish the selection. 4. In case of ‘Display Selection option’ setting right mous click means more option for selection – you can select more elements. - Bug fix: door/window drag and drop from the Design Center: after placing a door/window you could not close the command with right mouse click. - Bug fix: plot layout - different layouts from different 2D drawings have lost their floor structure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.19 Build 348 - Bug fix: Copying a group that includes a raster image on a plot layout - the raster image disappeared from the group copy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.17 Build 347 - Resolved: 0004732: Window : Convert object into door/window function does not work on arch top objects - Greek translations from Kyriakos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.16 Build 346 - Resolved: 0004720: File management : Thea render XML export - material is not exported - Resolved: 0004730: Window : Built-in details properties - Drop down list - no space for text - Resolved: 0004728: Rendering : In OpenGL mode emissive textures look black in 3D - Resolved: bug fix in Win2Noter6_aussen_eckig window. 3D representation was incorrect. - Resolved: bug fix in winassimdr6_aussen_eckig window. Percentage of opening parameter was missing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.16 Build 345 - Reopened and resolved: 0004717: List : List is not created because of parameter error in oikia piazza * Stair error corrections * All stairs are included in the list ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.12 Build 343 - Resolved: 0004717: List : List is not created because of parameter error in oikia piazza * Speeding up the listing. * Element ID is displayed if parameter error message comes. - Resolved: 0004716: Interface : Remove Help menu - TeamViewer... from German interface - REsolved: 0004712: 3D view palette : Nothing is visible in roof hidden line preview dialog with black 3D background - Bug fix: Roof - Dome - Open dome command did not work - Balustrade: drawing a balustrade in 2D and 3D gives the same result by default - Kalipsi bug fixes: font size, text label size, denying functions that cause crash - Resolved: 0004705: Roof : Same height option doesn't work - Bug fix in Smart Object assembly dialog - memory free up error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.07.02 Build 339 test release version - Resolved: 0004704: Dimension : Dimension style is sensible for unit - Resolved: 0004703: Other : Not responding error in seconda - 'Ungültig parameter' message at startup problem is fixed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.27 Build 337 Released version - Resolved: 0004665: Dimension : DIN dimension with zero digit (no decimal separator) setting is not possible - Resolved: 0004694: File management : XML Export - MatSurface doubled - Room book surfaces (saving of codes, room templates, room styles with border surfaces) errors are fixed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.27 Build 336 - Resolved: 0004675: Door : Crash by changing the door basic geometry data - Resolved: 0004700: File management : Folder is recreated after working with DWG file - Resolved: 0004699: Text : Label text error when you change style from the drop-down list - Graphics settings in 3D: * Camera light setting possibility is back and available to set between 0 to 500 * Sunlight can be set from 0 to 500 - Room book errors (Material category, Room book set, Room book template) are partially resolved: 0000857: Roombook: Wainscoting codes (layers and workphases) do not get saved - Balustrade development - it is possible to rotate and mirror balustrade objects - Balustrade bug fixes: * After activating a style it is unnecessary to use the regenerate option * Inserting a node into the path does not destroy the distance between balusters * OK button was inactive in the Newel post at the turn dialog when you first looked the final page (General settings) and then went back again to the Edit balustrade by profile dialog * Regeneration error inside the balustrade properties dialog in 3D (General settings page) is fixed * Drawing a balustrade in 3D it makes no sense to use the smooth command by default - fixed - Resolved: 0004697: Dimension : Dimension text and line do not move together ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.25 Build 334 - File menu - Options - Display - Presentation settings - Max. raster image size (pixels): Defined by the graphics driver From now on this is the default setting. This setting is also applied in the setup through the registry setting (Inno Setup): Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\CadLine\ARCHline.XP2013\Interface"; ValueType: dword; ValueName: "GL Maximal Displayable Texture Size"; ValueData: "$00000000"; Flags:deletekey - In the Hungarian factory.set 'force layer' option is switched on by default. - Trial version runs for 30 days without registration. Italian version: 60 + 30 days, other languages: 60 days. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.24 Build 333 - New menu: Tools menu -> New origin -> * Single point (relocates the origin on the drawing) * Default position (set back the origin to 0/0) - Bug fixes in rewritten macros: balustrade2.ppr balustrade5.ppr - In ENG/HUN template files the following styles are deleted: Cross bracing, Full plate with glass, Full plate with holes, Horizontal grid, Horizontal pattern wooden, Smithwork rounded ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.20 Build 331 - Resolved: 0004692: File management : Roof layer modification by Alt button causes crash ( - Different ARCHlineXP2013.bin files are created for ITC: With these executables door/window handles work according to the basic geometry settings, inner/outer handles buttons are greyed. - New menu for online support: Help - TeamViewer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.19 Build 330 - Resolved: 0004688: File management : File opening error (fox with ARCHline.XP 2013 We could not handle projects with version 5.01 (year 2005). Now it is fixed. - 64 bit ALExport language DLLs are removed from the installation set because those files were not used - Resolved: 0004691: Others : Changing the style of multiple elements and then undoing it - does not work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.16 Build 329 - Doors/Windows changes: we took over the doors/windows properties for doors/windows developed by our Austrian partners. This means that door/window hadles can be managed through the Basic geometry panel and the Outer handle/Inner handle buttons are greyed in the Properties dialog. - Resolved: 0004681: Roof : Convert roof rafters to beam command doesn't work in ARCHline.XP 2013 - Bug fix: Create new material - it was possible to create the 'Choose a category or enter a new one!' category in some languages - Bug fix: Wardrobe wizard - nothing changed when you switched off the 'Cut Through Door' option in the Drawers - Drawer inset and frame section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.13 Build 326 - New command: Drafting menu -> Line -> Convert temporary lines to construction lines - Resolved: 0004682: Wall : Change length command does not work correctly - Resolved: 0004683: Door : Crash when modifying or deleting a door ( - New option: File menu -> Options -> Cursor and marker -> Maximal Number of Temporary Construction Lines Maximum this number of construction lines will be visible at once, old ones will be deleted, new ones will be created based on FIFO method. - Bug fix: Kalipsi toolbar second icon crash - 2013 Scada import new command: #object #importxml {file | #enter} Either you specify the name of the import file or press Enter when the content of export_scada2archline.xml file is read from TEMP directory (C:\ProgramData\Cadline\ARCHlineXP2013\Temp\_archline2scada\export_scada2archline.xml) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.11 Build 324 - Resolved: 0004679: Render : Printing width and height are not responding to changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.07. Build 321 - New option in the File menu -> Options -> Item settings -> Hatch parameters -> Omit wall hatches behind text - newbuiltinmacros.oli files regeneration is eliminated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.06 Build 320 - Fixing the error message comes from window w78 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.05 Build 319 - Resolved: 0004676: Materials : Materials are mixed up - Redundancies are eliminated in * Door -> With Built-in Roller shutter -> Doors with Built-in Roller Shutter (round) * Door -> French doors categories by redirecting the Austrian macros to the old existing Hungarian ones, where door handles are available now. - Only the Austrian door handle options are available for the following door macros: doord1rer6_aufsatz_eckig, doorex1gr6_aufsatz_eckig,doord1rer6_aufsatz_rund,doord2rer6_aufsatz_rund,doorex1gr6_aussen_eckig,doord1rer6_aussen_rund,doorex1gr6_aussen_rund,doorex1gr6_neubau ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.06.03 Build 317 - Resolved: 0004674: Group : Local group crashes by forcing a layer if static module is activated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.31 Build 314 - Resolved: 0004671: Terrain : Terrain section profile is not editable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.29 Build 312 - Trial and Temporary versions run 30 days without registration. Other version run 60 days without registration. Exception: Italian (39) language program run 60+30=90 days. - Terrain import from csv files: any type of delimiter works with comma decimal separator (the decimal separator and delimiter cannot be the same, of course) - Resolved: 0004666: Hatch : Hatch areas are filled with hatches only partially - Resolved: 0004668: Object : Object removed from wall - contour remains in 3D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.28 Build 311 - File - Options - Item settings - Room maker -> New parameters: * Minimum wall length * Minimum wall height Walls below the above limits are not considerated in Room maker view - Resolved: 0004638: Door : Threshold cannot be switched off when you have changed the view to 1:50 - Resolved: 0004625: Object : Plants object drag and drop error - different object is placed - Resolved: 0004662: Room maker : Chessboard pattern tiling does not work on slab in case of rotation of 45 degree - Resolved: 0004667: Tiling : Wall layout shows vertical lines in case of inserted objects - Resolved: Disturbing stripes are eliminated from the snapshot image in OpenGL mode - Terrain import - CSV delimited files (.csv) can be imported * comma or dot as decimal separator are recognized automatically * delimiter characters are recognized automatically - Drag and drop cost parameters from an Excel line works directly on an architectural element - WEB-based help is updated with the new ARCHline.XP 2013 functions - Simplification of the selection cycle (in case of multiple elements above each other) - Room maker modification: walls with certain height and thickness are omitted from the view calculations - Resolved: 0004667: Tiling : Wall layout shows vertical lines in case of inserted objects ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.22 Build 306 - Bug fix: dood1hcd_1 door handle material and representation error - Newbuiltinmacros element are eliminated by the setup (newbuiltinmacros.oli files are removed during the installation, elements are distributed in existing oli files) - Bug fix: Line -> Construction line subcommand did not work - Bug fix: Arc with 3 points command gave an error message - DWG import - subdmesh and surface type elements are imported (see #4664 in Bugtracker) - Resolved: 0004663: Others : Cost parameter drag and drop from Winwatt does not work in ARCHline.XP 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.17 Build 303 - Development of decimation for the faster 3D representation - Elimination of many crashes based on the crash reports - Development of backward compatibility - Bug fixes and small development of Wardrobe wizard functionality - New element types with their own styles: Curtain Roman blind Venetian blind Vertical blind Table cloth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.14 Build 297 - Resolved: 0004634: Import : 3D Warehouse import - Materials are missing from 02 tempered glass door - Resolved: 0004648: Printing : Hatch with texture on the plot layout with scaling doesn't get printed correctly - Update of SketchUpReader.dll, SkpWriter.dll and xerces-c_2_6.dll. - From now on Scene3dExchange.dll and lib3ds-2_0.dll are compiled on a daily basis. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.14 Build 296 - A little progress in: 0004514: Image : Snapshot images cannot be saved as .png, despite of the .png selection possibility Now it is possible to save in .png format. However, still there is a problem: if you create a snapshot in bmp format and then you save it in .png format there will be a distorsion on the .png image. - The obsolete OdDwfIO.exe is changed to OdDwfExportEx.exe - The obsolete OdCopyEx.exe is removed from the installation set - Resolved: 0004654: Rendering : Custom rendering size is not editable - Resolved: 0004640: Floor : Horizontal floor structure - Move items from active floor command does not work correctly - 0 decimals for dimensioning accuracy is selectable again ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.09 Build 292 - Tools - Accessories - Ole management is available in Hungarian, German annd Italian interface - Area dimension - value unit are displayed together ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.09 Build 291 - Toolbox - Dimension - Area: Room subcommand allows you to click inside an area with walls around - Resolved: 0004651: Text : Text parameters are not rounded - Resolved: 0004655: Text : Text displayed with boundary rectangle in 2012 - disappearing text in 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.07 Build 287 - Resolved: 0004642: Line : Polyline in 3D - shift subcommand is missing - Resolved: 0004632: Image : Cropping of rotated images doesn't work correctly ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.06 Build 286 - Resolved: 0004649: Dimension : Opening dimension error (WandöffnungMitBogen1) - Resolved: 0004652: Object : Object error in ARCHline.XP 2013 (IMPOSTE 2 ante 'n' div.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.05.03 Build 283 - Bug fix in Smart object assembly (there was a profile error that spoiled object assembled by build 250) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.29 Build 280 - Resolved: 0004646: Dimension : Manually corrected SIA 0.5 cm dimension doesn't appear correctly - Resolved: 0004645: Edit : Scaling of elements are not correct - Resolved: 0004643: Hatch : Wall with solid hatch - Explode and change hatch color - Solid hatch becomes pattern ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.26 Build 278 - Fixed (reported by Valerio): the command Dimension > parallel dimensions ROOM from palette menu link to DWG > - Resolved: 0004485: Object : Material collision in the downloaded 3D warehouse objects - Resolved: 0004587: Tiling : Hide tiling name command does not work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.25 Build 276 - Resolved: 0004630: Room book : WoFIV area calculation is wrong when the whole area is under 2 m - Resolved: 0004631: Others : Move a copy command doesn't work in all directions in a specific project - Resolved: 0004641: DXF/DWG : DWG import error with Italian interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.23 Build 274 - Resolved: 0004629: Wall : Reference line changing influences the wall connection - Resolved: 0004635: Import : Placing a sketchup file doesn't work if it is already downloaded from 3D Warehouse (The problem was the long Sketchup filename.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.22 Build 273 - Bug fix: Representation of Roof structures - Roof purlin object was not correct ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.18 Build 269 - Resolved: 0004596: Stair : Vertical cover alignment to the stair contour - suggestion for 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.17 Build 268 - New development - Dimension - Elevation on section New command in the local menu: Dimension string - Change dimension string base point - Cavalier axonometry view is fixed in 3D vectorial view (View - View properties - Define view - Oblique) It is still wrong in image mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.15 Build 267 Released version ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.12 Build 263 - Bug fix: DWF export did not work. - Resolved: 0004520: Others : Registration problems - Invalid system time can't be eliminated by Systemdialog external - Bug fix in the category manager: new subfolder creation was not possible when category with the same name existed - Resolved: Toolbar header translations didn't work from (reported by Valerio on Skype, 2013.04.11) - Resolved: 0004622: Interface : Offset subcommand works strange - it changes every time you restart ARCHline - Resolved: 0004339: Slab : Slab cost parameters are lost when you create a new slab style from the existing one - Resolved: 0004623: Line : Construction line cannot be selected by the selection color - Resolved: 0004624: Layer : Project properties - Layer option is missing (over the Preferences) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.11 Build 261 - New development: automatic decimation when you download object with large size. - Texts are more visible when you zoom out (a contour is drawed). A little drawback: when you zoom in, the contour looks ugly without antialiasing. - Developments in listing (Add-on - Quantity take-off - Building): Value and Price are multiplied and the result appears in the Calculations column. Also, the listing is working for all architectural elements and wall/slap layers. - Wainscoting materials go under door/window. See the Fenster Tü file. - Resolved: 0004621: Preferences : Cursor info tooltip option cannot be switched off Additional development in this matter: DLGOFFSET+8564 "Dynamic Input Box" //Displays an Input Box for distance, angle and Relative Coordinates value when a command needs a point or a distance. The values in the dimension tooltips change as you move the cursor. You can enter values in the tooltip instead of on the command line. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.10 Build 260 - Greek translations are merged. - Animation rendering - resolution can be set. - Door/Window dialog - displaying of the absolute position of handles. - Resolved: 0004620: Roof : Surveyed roof - More options dialog is not wide enough - Resolved: 0004488: Hatch : Hatching problem when connecting two walls at a sliding door - Fixed: raster image saving error - .jpg raster images was converted into .bmp and at saving - this caused increased project file size (by simply opening and then saving a project) - Resolved: 0004605: Preferences : Grid representation error in ARCHline.XP 2013 - Resolved: 0004570: File management : External reference from a project is not working (Now project file selection is not possible) - Resolved: 0004619: Interface : Zoom in / Zoom out does not work on the navibar in 3D perspective view - Bug fix: Options - Display - Drawing settings - Display line width as a pixel width proportional to the real-unit value on screeen option switched off at file saving. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.04.09 Build 259 - Magnifier command is available in Indoor/Outdoor Sirtual Staging submenu - New option in the External sill/Internall sill definition in Door/Window properties dialog (Other parameters): Width from wall This means that you can define sill width with either the 'Width' or the 'Width from wall' parameter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.22 Build 241 - New development: Edit roof layers individually - Design Center - Materials Right click on a material -> Get update from category This is a new option to resolve material problems (in case of existing material is shown without texture) - Design center - Materials Right click on a material -> Save to category This command can be useful when you download an object from 3D warehouse and then you want to use its materials later. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.21 Build 240 - Resolved: 0004616: Room book : Room book moving (surrounding walls) errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.20 Build 239 - Resolved: 0004594: Room book : Room name and room code property should be separated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.19 Build 237 - Interior Apprentice version is renamed to Small Business - New internal function: UserType = 6 -> all DlgString, Message and Prompt strings appear on the user interface with its numbering, to make the translation of strings easier. *********************************************************************************************************************************** Error codes and messages: "1000 - This serial code is not registered.\nPlease contact your publisher." Release date is missing from the database. (Someone generated a code without administration.) "1001 - This serial code is already registered. \nPlease contact your publisher." (Someone else uses the same code.) "1002 - The serial code has been revoked and cannot be activated.\nPlease contact your publisher." (Data read from the USB dongle are missing or the serial code is revoked.) "1003 - Unpaid Invoice(s) at activation date. The activation code could not be obtained. \nPlease contact your publisher." "1004 - No more licenses are available.\nPlease contact your publisher." (Serial numbers started with 99 are released with a specific number of licenses.) *********************************************************************************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.14 Build 236 Released version - Resolved: 0004502: File management : Some label texts turn upside down on the plot layout - Resolved: 0004584: Rendering : There is no Trial watermark on the rendered image with Render list - New menu: Building -> Accessories -> Define multiple profile - Resolved: 0004615: Door : Door and layered wall representation errors in ARCHline.XP 2013 - New option in the Build 3D model dialog: DLGOFFSET+6397 "Tiling surface number limit" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.14 Build 233 - Resolved: 0004609: Roof : Second batten layer spoils the tiling New option is introduced on the Automatic roof - Batten page: Disabled for tiling (Can not hold tiles). - Pascal menu substitutions: Calling the calc.exe, for example: 2012: MENUITEM "&Calcolatrice", "#execute calc.exe" 2013: MENUITEM "&Calcolatrice", "#systemdialog #external 102 calc.exe" DOCFA menu, for example: MENUITEM "A3 1:100", "#Systemdialog #external 101 3 100" Scada output into the TEMP directory: #systemdialog #external 104 Calling a website: MENUITEM " News ed eventi", "#call #external "explorer.exe" - In case of English language selection at startup there is a dialog for chosing between imperial and metric units. - New dll for writing LoadData information into the registry during installation: " ARCHline.XP 2013/InstallProject/ProtectXP2013.dll" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.13 Build 232 - Resolved: 0004535: DXF/DWG : DWG Export - All buildings / Current building / Current building and its environment options does not work - Resolved: 0004602: Dimension : Dimension marker arrow swap does not work in ARCHline.XP 2013 - Resolved: 0004533: Room book : Crash when copying room books to another 2D window ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.10 Build 229 - Resolved: 0004611: Interface : Move to other floor command doesn't work in the marker menuû - New curtain rod in the ../CommonAppDataDir/Oli/Genobj/curtain_rods.oli ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.08 Build 227 - Resolved: 0004470: Image : Add-on - Raster image calibration - Raster to vector doesn't work for color pictures - Material categories in the drop-down menu on the Material properties dialog are in alphabetical order - Resolved: 0004554: Wardrobe wizard : Simmetry otpion for door handles - suggestion - New simple command for splitting a solid in 3D: SM3_SECTION1 "#split #section3d #select" - The GBD macro 2013 update is ready. Can find it in the ARCHLine.XP 2013 install set from Build 226. It is an independent executable GBD.EXE The command to call it: #systemdialog external 100 It is not included into the standard menu, so I recommend to apply it in a user menu like before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.06 Build 225 - Resolved: 0004386: Hatch : It is not possible to copy the Solid option through the copy attributes command - Resolved: 0004519: Hatch : Copy color property -> hatch becomes solid - Bug fix: View menu - Section - Refresh 3D section option switched off when you updated the 3D model New option in the Preferences dialog: Display - Build 3D model - Keep section Widows of this project updated - Bug fix in the rendering dialog: Switch materials function did not work in the 64-bit version - Hatch with texture is not visible on the preview of the internal PDF printing because the internal PDF printer cannot handle it - Renaming of user defined lights is possible in the Light manager dialog - Resolved: 0004607: Terrain : Crash at project exit if you want to save a terrain set - Room maker input fields are widened for feet/inches unit - New units are introduced (see the options menu): square inch and square feet in2 sq ft - .mtx files are introduced for storing the category information changes of materials found in the factory .mtr file. This way the factory .mtr file will be unchaged, making available the update with the next setup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.05 Build 224 - Oli files rearranging: ../Oli/Genobj/External shading.oli ../Oli/Genobj/Porotherm.oli ../Ytong.oli - Resolved: 0004608: Terrain : Parameters of height points - Pattern and Angle parameters are not saved into the set ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.05 Build 223 - Resolved: 0004517: File management : Object is created with the Balustrade command - Resolved: 0004503: Floor : Renaming or creating floors from the Project navigator does not work - Resolved: 0004477: File management : SIA dimensioning with superscript 5 does not work together with format definitions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.04 Build 222 - In Trial mode at start a Yes/No dialog appears with the possibility of registration (in case of clicking Yes) In Trial mode after loading the project a message appears with the remaining days - This command is cancelled: MENUITEM "Loft on an existing curve", CREA_ACCESSORY_LOFT_CONVERT - Resolved: 0004603: Polyline : Turn lines into polyline - query length gives false data if there is an arc or spline included in the polyline - Resolved: 0004510: File management : Print to PDF - path name is confusing ARCHline tries to create the same directory structure with the saved path. If it is not possible, the default path will be the ARCHline.XP drawing dir. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.02 Build 220 - Resolved: 0004604: Slab : Wrong cutting of walls with multilayer slabs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.03.01 Build 219 - Resolved: 0004493: Preferences : Input - Comma (,) in ... and On Drawing - Comma (,) in ... options are not saved in the template file (Decision: we do not save it into the template file) - Important changes in the installation: The following setup files are separated according to the system environment: ALDOTNet2Dll.dll ALS 2.0.dll ARCHlineXp2013x86.exe ARCHlineXp2013x86.exe SetupLauncher.exe In case of Windows 8 the above files do not require .Net 2.0 installation as prerequisite The above files can be found in the following directories: For Window 8 64 bit: " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/InstallDir/Exe64_Win8" For Window 8 32 bit: " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/InstallDir/Exe32_Win8" For other Windows 64 bit operating systems: " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/InstallDir/Exe64_Win" For other Windows 64 bit operating systems: " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/InstallDir/Exe32_Win" - New files for Room book export for GBD: " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/InstallDir/Exe32/" " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/InstallDir/Exe32/Gbd.exe" " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/InstallDir/Exe64/" " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/InstallDir/Exe64/Gbd.exe" - 3D sweep menu is cancelled because of the new Loft function - Resolved: 0004487: Preferences : Right click customization -> Shortcut menu on empty area - Copy command requires additional click - Resolved: 0004441: Dimension : Dimension text moving error in case of dimension with superscript - Resolved: 0004601: Survey : Define orthogonal view - Distance unknown option is killed in ARCHline.XP 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.02.28 Build 218 - Resolved: 0004565: 1.2. Opening dimension – don´t keep position of bubble and dimension value - Resolved: 0004538: Stair : Stair with 3 runs - interface is number of steps data is messed up - From now on Demo is called Limited mode - DLGOFFSET+4962 "Image maximal size in Image window in pixels*" is put into the new Options - Display menu - Resolved: 0004562: Balustrade : Handrails (based on sets) are lost ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013.02.26 Build 216 - Resolved: 0004481: Group : Colours of elements outside a group change back to their original colours after some operations - Resolved: 0004541: Others : Strange lines appear in 3D when Instancing and Join surfaces options are switched on - Bug fix: New project - Save as, where is an existing project. The previous hasn't been overwritten - Bubble menu : Ctrl + click works as element type selection - Bug fix: saving a rendered image into a folder with special character in the folder name failed (only the log file has been saved) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-21 Build 208 - Resolved: 0004578: Line : Lines get lost when 2D background color is changed from white to black - Resolved: 0004452: Room book : Room book with polygon - edit properties - 2D drawing disappears - Resolved (we could not reproduce it with ARCHline.XP 2013): 0004439: View menu : Sun shadow representation error in DirectX 3D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-20 Build 207 - Development: Terrain 3D representation setting is saved into the terrain style - Resolved: 0004598: Tiling : Slab tiling list with tiling pattern of profile - tile with minus width / height appears in the list - Raise/lower terrain height command errors are fixed (Cancel button works correctly) - Terrain data is exported into the xml file - The old object manager is cancelled from the menu (Tools - Accessories - Object manager) and available only from command line: #systemdialog #export ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-18 Build 205 - Resolved: 0004545: Object : Cabinet wizard - Door handles - distance between custom door handles does not change - Default file format is .xlsx for the Excel lists ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-15 Build 202 Release Candidate - Slab tiling Excel list : tiling of the side surfaces of the slab is included in the list - Resolved: 0004586: Terrain : 2013 Google terrain import does not work in ARCHline.XP 2013 - (Related to 0004586) Resolved: 0004042: Terrain : Possibility to modify terrain height - suggestion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-15 Build 200 - Background image is replaced (mosaic texture with ARCHlie.XP text) - Resolved: 0004593: File management : Door accessories - can't add macro object - Roof - Dome and Open dome commands are combined into one command - Automatic restarting of ARCHline (for example when you change the language on the Preferences - User interface page) - Room book consignation works with Italian language user interface, too (there was a resource error) - Walk function - new control: * Ctrl key (instead of the mouse) can be used for the up/down view direction * Mouse button is used for the horizontal moving (istead of the W/A/S key) - Expiration date of ARCHline.XP 2013 developer version is modified to 31.03.2013. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-13 Build 198 - Slab beam is included in the Excel list - DWG import - imported mirrored text looks correctly - Resolved partially: 0004595: Room book : Show room volume solid doesn't work 3D volume is created but the drawing still disappears behind the Room book properties dialog when room book is created by polygon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-12 Build 196 - Bug fix in Wardrobe/Worktop wizard: when you changed the height parameter of an existing wardrobe/worktop in the worktop/wardrobe wizard, you did not see the change in the Properties dialog - File deletion from the installation set: " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/CommonAppDataDir/Support/xmlExport2012.xsd" - File addition to the installation set: " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/CommonAppDataDir/Support/xmlExport2013.xsd" - Bug fix: crash at exit is resolved - Bug fix: 32 bit version startup crash (build 194 and 195) is resolved - Resolved: 0004592: 3D solid : Tools - Info - Entity Info gives false volume data - Resolved: 0004583: Stair : Stair body gets lost when you use the Vertical cover option ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-06 Build 192 - Bug fix: Room book copy properties - Room code copying is working - New light source types in the Light manager dialog: LED string and LED array - Resolved: 0004499: File management : Lines are missing when copying 3D vectorial to 2D window - New option in the Roof dialog - Pitch and shape panel: Elevation of reference line - View menu -> Refresh 3D is moved to File menu -> Options -> Display -> Build 3D model - Keep 3D of this project updated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-05 Build 191 - From now on the passwords are stored in ARCHlineXP2013.key instead of ARCHlineXP.key - Resolved: 0004588: Rendering : Virtual staging - black background on the second rendered picture wih AL 2013 64 bit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-04 Build 190 - Code generation method has changed. There are new codes for ARCHline.XP 2013. - The middle panel of the roof dialog is widened from 250 to 280 units. - Pop Up Menu: Roof > Same height The command adjusts the elevation of a ridge to another ridge. * Click on the ridge (first ridge) you want to elevate another ridge (second ridge) to. * Click on the first roof plane that is connected to the second ridge. * Click on the second roof plane that is connected to the second ridge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-01-30 Build 187 - New icon for LED strings in the Light Source manager: Install/CommonAppDataDir/DialogPictures/Lights/light_ledstring.jpg - DXF/DWG import: We assume if the accumulated enclosing box grows from one element to the next with more than 10e+9 mm we consider it as suspicious and skip from the optimal scale calculation. - DXF/DWG engine version update: Teigha 3.8.1 This version is capable of handling AutoCAD 2013 drawings. - Two modules are cancelled: * 14 - StudioToStandard * 15 - StandardToProf - The following menu items are cancelled: MENUITEM "Door On Arbitrary Point", CREA_DOORITM2 MENUITEM "Window On Arbitrary Point", CREA_WINDITM2 - The following menu utems are moved to the Roof menu: MENUITEM "Gutter", CREA_ACCESSORY_GUTTER MENUITEM "Gutter on roof edge", CREA_ACCESSORY_GUTTER_BYROOF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-01-24 Build 184 - Resolved: 0004582: DXF/DWG : Revision cloud is exported from all floors. - +DLGOFFSET+2951 "Coloring Rooms": the 3 room book coloring commands are combined into one selection dialog. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-01-21 Build 180 - Assemblies for the Amboise chair: .../CommonAppDataDir/Oli/Genobj/Assembly.oli .../Oli/Profile/Smartshape_profiles.oli - Resolved: 0004508: Door : Door without wall - properties of doors created by the door wizard cannot be modified - New local popmenu command: Select similar This command selects items with the same element type on the drawing. - File menu - Options dialog Star icon before the option name signifies that an option is saved with the project. Other options are saved in the registry affects all projects. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-01-17 Build 177 - New menu: View - Isolate ARCHLine.XP offers four new commands that isolate the selected objects (hide everything except the selected ones) or hide the selected ones either in 2D or 3D workspace. It is very practical command when you have a large drawing and need to display only one object or a small number of objects. Isolate Object The Isolate Object command hides all objects except the one you select. Isolate Selection The Isolate Selection command hides all objects except the selected ones. End Object Isolation The End Object Isolation command displays all objects again. Hide Selection The Hide Selection command hides selected objects. - Resolved: 0004566: 2.4. Hatch area under texts, dimensioning texts and signs It's a new development - Hatch - Text boundary command has effect on the hatches of architectural elements, too. So far this command was applied only on hatches. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-01-14 Build 174 - Resolved: 0004558: Printing : Print queue is kept in the memory when you start a new project without restarting ARCHline - Duplicate Rotate has a new subcommand: MEASURE PROMPT+350 "Specify the angle to fill (e.g. 360 and when repeat = 8 means 8 objects equally spaced around 360 degrees)" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-12-21 Build 168 - Resolved: 0004567: Room maker : Middle profile cannot be created on a wall - Resolved: 0004555: DXF/DWG : Room book export with hatch - the hatch hides the text table in AutoCAD - New command: Ceiling by walls - Resolved: 0004573: File management : Undo doesn't work in SC-50-12 - Interior / Achitecture version selection dialog appears right after the first setup of ARCHline.XP 2013 - Developer version welcome message can be translated in ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-12-21 Build 167 - Expiration date of ARCHline.XP 2013 developer version is modified to 15.02.2013. New development: create a 3D model in just one material - so called: paper model ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-11-17 Build 137 - Development: 0004552: Slab : Split slab command - like split hatch - suggestion - Development of 'systemdialog xml' command: * Export of metfileid kiirasa + static data : Operation="" SubType="" UserType="" and * Export of StaticInfo: DoubleValues, SingleValues, IntegerValues, SmallIntValues, BooleanValues - The maximum number of layers is elevated to 32767 - We have finished our Door/Window/Profile/Object macro conversion into new C templates. The 2013 will use only these new compatible templates. Pascal will not go on 64 bits. - With the new bubble menu a lot of old-fashioned commands are cancelled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-10-05 Build 97 - Resolved: 0004522: Roof : Eaves purlin representation on 2D is wrong when roof plane inclinations are different - Resolved: - Resolved: 0004450: Edit : Trim multiple command does not work correctly -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-10-04 Build 96 - Resolved: 0004450: Edit : Trim multiple command does not work correctly -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-10-03 Build 94 - Removal of Integrated Thea Render components: TheaViewer.exe thea.dll ../Always_Install/CommonAppDataDir/Support/Thea folder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-10-01 Build 92 - Replace group dialog - new option: Select additional group types to replace. - New material dialog takes the properties of the currently selected material. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-09-19 Build 84 - New navibar and window handling. - CTRL+TAB -> pinning of maximized window -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-09-07 Build 68 - New file in the ..\Genobj\ directory: curtain_rods.oli - Resolved:0004447: Roof : Automatic roof calculation does not allow the input of F or B parameter in Layers and geometry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-09-03 Build 59 New files in the installation set: * ..Exe\pdftoimage.dll for the PDF import * For the new MDI window handling: ..DialogPictures\Frame\BackGroundFull.bmp ..DialogPictures\Frame\bg_pattern.png ..DialogPictures\Frame\bg_watermark.png ..DialogPictures\Frame\window_controls_strip.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-08-27 Build 53 - Distorsion problem at window resizing is resolved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-08-23 Build 50 - New files in the installation set for the Thea Rendering: " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/CommonAppDataDir/Support/Thea/Presets/001_AL_TH_ULTRALOW_Interior.xml" " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/CommonAppDataDir/Support/Thea/Presets/002_AL_TH_MEDIUM_Interior.xml" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-08-22 Build 49 - New door/window dialog (Pascal macro based .oli files are handled different). Handles, accessories can be added to the old pascal-based doors/windows. - New settings dialog (see the cogged wheel icon in the bottom left corner). - New development in Indoor tools: Mood board - Material dialog is rearranged. - New DirectX window hanlding (switched off temporarily). - Built-in Thea rendering is available (nice rendering is not possible at the moment). New files in the installation set: " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/InstallDir/Exe/TheaViewer.exe" Modified files: " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/CommonAppDataDir/Oli/Group/Misti.oli" " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/CommonAppDataDir/Oli/Group/Office.oli" " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/CommonAppDataDir/Oli/Profile/Smartshape_profiles.oli" " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/CommonAppDataDir/Oli/Genobj/chair_assembler_items.oli" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-07-05 Build 11 - New marker commands for 3D polyline: STICKER_CMD_3D_POLYLINE_OFFSETALL "#pedit #movenode #spoffset #all #preselect %s %ep <> #cancel #existselection" STICKER_CMD_3D_POLYLINE_OFFSET "#pedit #movenode #spoffset #duplicate #preselect %s %ep <> #cancel #existselection" STICKER_CMD_3D_POLYLINE_OFFSET_PART "#pedit #movenode #spoffset #preselect %s %ep <> #cancel #existselection" STICKER_CMD_3D_POLYLINE_DELETEPART "#pedit #delpart #trim #preselect %s %ep #existselection" - Resolved: 0004471: Freeform surface : Point of profile and islands and Point of profile commands doesn't work in some cases - New item in the marker menu of Image: Refresh (you can find it at the corner of the image) - Offset dialog is cancelled because all cases can be handled by the subcommands - 3D workplane developments * New command in the local menu of Workplane: Resize (#wplane #size) * Grid/Snap/Osnap developments for more convenient hotspot selection * Every tenth workplane line is displayed by green colour -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-07-04 Build 10 - Resolved: 0004474: Freeform surface : Crash by control lines - Cabinet wizard bug fixes: * Drawer (All): Drawer inset and frame dimensions didn't work for all * Door material: when you changed the material, it was not preselected so you had no information about the current material * Curved shape door: handle position recalculation was wrong when corpus width and depth parameters were different - Simplification of the Toolbox - 3D solid - Sweep - Create command: * Choose a profile * Choose a 3D polyline - Czech serial number needs to be activated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-07-02 Build 9 - Expiration date of ARCHline.XP 2013 developer version is modified to 30.09.2012. - New developments (in progress): Chair back Chair assembly Loft You can find these commands under Furnishing - Smart shapes (in the interior version) or Indoor Tools (in the architectural version). Connected a new profile .oli: " ARCHline.XP 2013/Always_Install/CommonAppDataDir/Oli/Profile/Smartshape_profiles.oli" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-06-27 Build 7 - Polyline developments - new commands: * Offset All Of The Chain + Copy - #pedit #movenode #spoffset #duplicate * Offset All Of The Chain - #pedit #movenode #spoffset #all * Delete Edge + Adjust - #pedit #delpart #trim - New files in the installation set in the Exe directory: QtCore4.dll QtGui4.dll QtOpenGL4.dll - New compress.dll and compress_d.dll files in the installation set. These dll files include the latest ZLIB libraries. We use this dll to produce the .pro files by file compression. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31.07.2012. Test commit - Szepseg v1.1 - Szornyedveny - Ujabb szornyedveny